Friday, October 26, 2012

Well, here it is, my topic choice is educational disparity relative to affluence. My driving question is how can we bridge the gap between students from diverse socio-economic backgrounds? I am going to read "The Shame of a Nation" and "Fire in the Ashes" by Jonathan Kozol. In November we will be visiting a school in PA to see alternate forms of education.


  1. Heres a link to another blog that Mrs. Wiener sent to me

  2. I viewed a few of my fellow students' blogs and found Eddie's topic (Educational disparity relative to affluence) very interesting. The topic caught my attention because I feel it is being discussed a lot in the past month. On a local level, a the father of a student in our school recently ran for a position on the Teaneck Board of Education. He noticed that Teaneck taxpayers were paying an extremely high amount of money for public education, but they were getting extremely poor test results from the students. Eddie's project will potentially help solve the problem existent in Teaneck's public school system. Additionally, the Presidential election has brought up topics such as education, government aid, and candidate Mitt Romney's wealth. Eddie's project includes all of these aspects. It will be interesting to follow Eddie's progress as he visits public schools and looks to actually improve the current situation of our educational system. Hopefully he will come up with some solutions and help the less fortunate members of society receive and equal standard of schooling.
